Upper Cut
How to make the Upper Cut – Just like an irish coffey. Wait till it has cooled a bit. Drink all in one move.
How to make the Upper Cut – Just like an irish coffey. Wait till it has cooled a bit. Drink all in one move.
How to make the Fria Cafe Italiano – Mix all ingredients into an Ice-filled shaker. Shake and strain into a chilled Cocktail Glass. Garnish with ground Espresso.
How to make the Chill Out Shock (C.O.S) – First pour the chilled Schnapps and than carefully layer the hot Espresso on top of it. Insert a straw into the glass and place it on the connection point between the two layers and drink it from there.
How to make the Orange Scented Green Creme de Menthe – Combine all ingredients in heavy medium saucepan. Stir over low heat until Green Creme de Menthe melts. Increase heat and bring just to a boil, stirring often. Remove from heat and whisk until frothy. Return to heat and bring to boil again. Remove from heat, whisk until frothy. Repeat heating and whisking once again. Discard Orange Peel. (Can be prepared 2 hours ahead. Let stand at room temperature. Before serving, bring just to boil, remove from heat and whisk until frothy.) Pour Green Creme de Menthe into Coffee mugs. Makes 2 servings.
How to make the Wakey Wakey – A good wake up shot after drinking a few too many! Made popular by Larry at The Ship Inn bar, Bowness on Windermere.Use a 50ml Sherry glass. Sambuca first, then layer with Espresso and finish off with a top layer of Cream.
How to make the The Kuoyamuli – Mix ingredients swiftly with a spork in either a irish Coffee mug, or cappuccino mug. Serve hot/warm.
How to make the Nutty Irishman #2 – Prepare a cafe-Latte as normal. Add liquors according to taste. Serve hot or over Ice as a chilled Coffee beverage.
How to make the Mocha Mint Irish Cream Cappuccino – By adding the sTeamed Milk last, the ingredients Mix well. Make sure to stir all of the Green Creme de Menthe from the bottom of glass.
How to make the Hyper-Active Apple – In Irish Coffee mug pour chilled Caramel, then slowly pour one shot of chilled Apple Schnapps over Caramel. Slowly add sTeamed Milk, pour Espresso through sTeamed Milk exceedingly slowly, top with whip Cream or foam. It should come out to be a 4 layer happily alcoholic Latte.
How to make the Hot Dick – Pour Baileys and Grand Marnier® Orange Liqueur into mug. Add express. Serve it hot with lots of Cream and sprinkle with Green Creme de Menthe.
How to make the Caliope – Caliope is a German recipe in oriGin. This recipe came from a K. VonSaxon in Rosenheim Germany, who says it’s a popular winter drink in the Alpen Ski Lodges, combining Italian, Austrian and German influences.Pour the Brandy, Creme de Cacao and soyMilk into a cocktail shaker over 3 Ice Cubes. Shake well, and strain into a pousse-cafe glass. Add a shot of Espresso, dust with Nutmeg, and serve.
How to make the Spanish Coffee #2 – Mix Cognac, Kahlúa® , and Espresso in a parfait glass and stir gently. Top with Whipped Cream. Serve.
How to make the Andy’s Drink – Pour the Hennessy Cognac over Ice Cubes in a Collins Glass. Fill with
How to make the Flaming Goat – Mix Vodka, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Triple Sec and Curacao. Add Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Bertiebreezer – Pour the Apeldoorn and Bacardi Breezer over 3 Ice Cubes in a Whiskey Sour
How to make the Carmina Burana – Crush the two pieces of Candy until they are pulverised. Pour the Vodka
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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