Champagne Passion
How to make the Champagne Passion – Pour passion fruit Puree into a champagne saucer and stir in the Simple Syrup (to taste). Slowly add the champagne whilst stirring gently. Float the alize on top, and serve.
How to make the Champagne Passion – Pour passion fruit Puree into a champagne saucer and stir in the Simple Syrup (to taste). Slowly add the champagne whilst stirring gently. Float the alize on top, and serve.
How to make the Brandon’s Zomtaicane – I . invented. ” this drink when trying to decide between making Zombies and Hurricanes or Mai Tais for my father’s birthday. He said it tasted exactly like the Mai Tais at my mother’s favorite tiki bar which is odd because there is no Orange Juice or Curacao and because it has Passion Fruit the key ingredient of a Hurricane! He also made a face like he had just touched the third rail on the subway when he drank it topped with the OverProof (which he has been known to drink straight) so watch out! Also this drink is good fresh but even better when refrigerated for a couple hours. Make sure your blender is large enough because this will make a pitcher of zomtaicanes. Combine all of the ingredients except for the overProof in a blender and blend until Ice is gone. Pour into hurricane glasses. Top with overProof (only for the brave!)”
How to make the Millionare’s Coffee – Place Baileys Irish Cream, Frangelico® Hazelnut Liqueur and Kahlúa® in Irish Coffee mug
How to make the Pineapple Cooler – Put White Wine, Pineapple Juice, Powdered Sugar, and 2 oz. carbonated Water in
How to make the Banana Hammock #2 – Fill glass with Ice, add equal parts 99 Bananas and Orange Juice.
How to make the Snow Shoe – Snow Shoe is popular in the Dover, Delaware area. Invented in the west
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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